The larger soap is a bar of Yardley's Lavender that has been hand-felted (by me!) with 100% wool. The smaller soap is just a cute heart shaped soap I found that smells like blueberry pie; also hand felted with 100% wool.
Felted soap works like this: an entire bar of soap is carefully wrapped in 100% wool fibers (off the sheep, folks) and then gently "felted" by wetting and rubbing, rubbing, rubbing, etc... The bar of soap remains intact inside the felt "pouch". To use it, you just wet it, rub it a bit to get the lather through the wool, and scrub away! The wool is a gentle exfoliator, too.
Head over to the Woolly Blue Yonder to pick up this great Valentine's Day gift!
this is so cute! I love the look of anything felted its so soft and colorful, makes me smile.